
Road SS199 Sassari-Olbia lot 3

Sardinia, Italy

Total Amount
114.663.051,60 €

2013 – 2015

Current status

Constructive Design of the “SS 199 Adaptation to the “4 lanes” typology of the “Sassari Olbia” Lot. 3 itinerary.
From Km 24.200 to Km 36.100 Verification of compliance.

The route of lot 3 has is part of the adaptation to typology B road (4 lanes) of the Sassari Olbia itinerary.
The route has a length of 11,900 (from km 24 + 200 to km 36 + 100) and starts near the Martis junction. The project of the new road axis is a plano-altimetric variant of the SS199 state road, Sassari Olbia, with which it is closely joined. The main works, foreseen in lot 3 are:
• Main works of art, Overpass at km 24 + 537
• Junction Martis Overpass at km 26 + 084
• Junction Tula Overpass at km 27 + 355
• Overpass at km 30 + 523
• SS intersection 597 Overpass at km 31 + 287.59
• Junction n.6 Overpass at km 34 + 324
• Junction n. 6ABridge PO01 at km 25 + 166
• BridgePO02 at km 25 + 166
• secondary road system Bridge PO02-bis at km 25 + 166
• secondary road Bridge PO05 over Rio Mannu at km 26 + 741
• Bridge PO06 over Rio Cuzi at km 28 + 726
• Bridge PO07 at km 32 + 315
• Bridge PO09 at km 35 + 777
• Ecoduct at km 34 + 500 for the continuity of part of the secondary roads;
Underpass SO06 at km 26 + 900.002, Underpass SO07 at km 28 + 849.703, Underpass SO02 at km 32 + 750.274, Underpass SO03 at km 33 + 450.00. Up to km 29 + 500 the SS199 state road guarantees continuity parallel to the project route, from km 29 + 500 to the end of lot 3 continuity is guaranteed with a series of local roads that cross the project route in various points and they reconnect to the local road fabric. Access to agricultural land is guaranteed through the creation of a series of coplanar roads and mending to the local road fabric variously interconnected with the existing network.
The executive project of Lot 3 covered all disciplines, providing a complete and functional project, in particular for the maintenance of the road service. About 1.014 drawings were produced, of these about 270 related to the road part, 389 those related to structures, about 760 to hydraulics, while the remainder related to plants, environmental monitoring, geology, safety plan and coordination and construction site.